I can respect that im a fan of thickness also even a few fat pretty girls get a pass but when her arm is thigh sized its alil much mate lol id still let her suck me off
I honestly like anything chubby/thick/bbw. I consider them all different levels of thick. I don't like average looking pornstar types. They're too skinny. Average to skinny kills my wood.
Trust me when i was not in shape and didnt have my money right I would fuk fat chicks as they are super easy low self esteem and give good head, but what you like is easy women...and buddy its much easier to sleep with a fat 5/10 then a thick/chubby 7/10
naw its called using your brain yes plenty of men like thick "healthy women" notice you have no pics or vids I have my onlyfans content up in which ive def fucked some thick women but your issue is that media has made folks think that BBW means fat...it dont nothing wrong with a big bitch if shes built right notice 80 percent of these kinda of vids are of poor dirty fat look at that room lol im sure you just cant get women that are in good shape cuz you either go no game a lil dick or no money lmao