Предупреждение!!! Это заставит тебя кончить, не трогая
368 100%
WARNING: THIS IS NOT JUST A VIDEO. THIS IS YOUR FINAL TEST. ONCE YOU PRESS PLAY, THERE IS NO ESCAPE. Mmm you've made it this far. You survived the training. You listened to every word. And now? Now, you are finally ready. This is the moment I have been preparing you for. The moment I take full control. You will feel me touch you. You will feel my breath at your ear. You will feel the pressure building inside you. And then? Mmm. Then, you will break. No hands. No touching. Only my voice. This isn't magic. This is real training. This is real psychological control. BUT WAIT. You must complete the three previous WARNING audios before attempting this final experiment. If you have not trained with them first, this will not work at full power. Those audios prepared your body, your mind, your pleasure—to surrender completely. DO NOT SKIP THEM. If you want the full, inescapable experience, you must go back and complete them first.
Транскрипция видео
Не двигайся. Не трогай. Не думай. Просто чувствуй.
Потому что сегодня я сделаю то, что ты никогда раньше не испытывал.
Я прикоснусь к тебе без прикосновений.
Я заставлю твое тело реагировать без единого приказа.
Я сделаю тебя такой твердой, такой отчаянной, словно шёпот на твоей коже.